Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Emerson is 1 month old!

Our baby is One Month old...actually almost 6 weeks now (for some reason I think this "behind-thing" will be a trend this time around!)

We absolutely LOVE "baby Ehson" as Kinley calls her!  The first month was exactly what I expected in some ways, and totally different in other ways.  I'm thankful the adjustment from one to two has been easier than zero to one for me.  And because of that, I think all the challenging parts (lack of sleep, crazy feeding schedule, nursing, keeping track of 2 kiddo's) have been easier and filled with more joy if that's possible. 

God has been kind to keep this post-pardom brain in a super healthy place for now! =)

Emerson's Stats at 1 month:
Height: 21 1/4" (75th percentile)
Weight: 8 lb (25th percentile)

Emerson's first month was busy!  We had almost all our family in either for her birth or within a few days to meet this little girl!  Plus lots of friends have stopped by to meet our baby too.  Kinley keeps us on the go, so we've already had many trips to the park and we even made it to church!  Emerson is going to have to be flexible as the 2nd child.

We've been trying to figure out some reflux issues with Emerson (I started noticing signs around 2 1/2 weeks but have REALLY doubted myself on this one).  She just seems to be a little ouch-y after feedings so we're trying different medicines to help her little tummy.  Sometimes this makes her hard to sooth and hard to get to sleep...hopefully we'll make some progress with this in the coming weeks.

Here are some pictures of our adventures so far.  These are out of order...but with only a few more minutes of both kids sleeping (a rare and glorious moment!!) it will have to do.

 Kinley loves being a big sister!  (SOOOOO thankful for this!).  I love that Emerson seems to be keeping an eye on Kinley - haha!!

Just a few days old - newborn clothes are huge on Emerson!

See what I mean?!  No hands!!

4 day appointment - gaining weight from hospital but still smaller than at birth 
"she so tiny" as Kinley says

1st bottle at 2 weeks

Kinley really likes helping out (and she's actually pretty good at it too!)
Here she's put a blanket over Emerson and is turning the music back on.

Love our sweet little girl!

1st picture with her cousins!  Emerson (3 days), Jude (2 1/2),  Kinley (21 mo's), Lola (10 mo's)

1st trip to the park (sorta).  
Kinley and Daddy played while I hung out with our newborn in the car.

Here are some "monthly" pics of our precious girl!
Finally one with her eyes open!!!

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